Common Chord Campaign

Renewing and Restoring the Organ

The Church of the Incarnation has launched an $800,000 capital campaign for the restoration of our organ, the heartbeat of music ministry at Incarnation.

After Easter Day, 2024, the organ was removed and shipped to Canada! Click here for a slide show detailing the removal process. The organ will return during the summer of 2025.

We invite all parishioners and friends of this parish to participate in our Common Chord Campaign. Click here to learn more.

(Be sure to select “Common Chord Capital Campaign” on the dropdown menu when making your gift.)

A Message from the Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd, Bishop of New York and Patron of Incarnation’s Common Chord Campaign, offers an inspiring message for our parish community.

Exciting News!

We announced on Homecoming Sunday that we reached our $800,000 goal in the campaign! Incarnation kids helped us celebrate in worship. Thanks to everyone who has made a campaign pledge and/or gift. Now let’s reach our $900,000 “stretch” goal!

Parishioner Quotations

“The organ is a critical part of our music ministry that goes into our praise of God, and we need to leave this beautiful instrument better than we found it. It is a legacy for everybody here and for future generations that walk through our doors.”
– Stephen Ju

“We are honored and thrilled to contribute to the Common Chord campaign. I truly mean it when I say that one of the most glorious aspects of our wedding service (and every Sunday) was the music. We couldn’t think of a better way to show our appreciation and admiration for this flourishing division of Incarnation. Music within the church has always been my outlet to connect deeper to the Holy Spirit.”
– Sara Sims Rowley

“We have a financial goal of $800,000, and the challenge goal is $900,000. There is also an emotional goal – 100% participation from the Incarnation community! I personally have already felt that this church family has grown even tighter and stronger as we work together on this campaign.”
– Anne Tong

Campaign Prayer

Heavenly Father, whose Holy Word is music to our ears, draw us together in harmony so that we might lift up that music through the work of our hands and hearts and sing in unison to your everlasting glory. Instill in us a reverence for the faithful works of centuries past. Sustain our labors with your power and might. And may the earthly gifts you have blessed us with inspire others to join us in exalting you. We pray all this in the name of your blessed Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN

(by Barbara Clark, Parishioner)