
Formation and discipleship for all ages

The Anglican/Episcopal tradition speaks of a three-legged stool of authority. The legs of the stool are Scripture, Reason and Tradition. In order to better understand the claims our faith makes on us and how it influences our lives, we use our intellect and understanding of the divine as we engage in study of the Bible and the tradition. Christian education and formation is meant for all of us at every stage of our development.

Children and Youth

Our offerings for children and youth run from mid-September through mid-June. 

Sunday School for Children

During the Sunday 11:00 am service, children (pre-K to 4th grade) are encouraged to participate in our Sunday School program, Godly Play, a Montessori-based method of Biblical Storytelling.

Middle School Youth

Throughout the academic year, Middle Schoolers engage in a program designed to prepare them for them for the Sacramental Rite of Confirmation, which takes place in late Spring.

High School Youth

High school youth meet monthly to discuss how faith plays a part in our everyday lives, with an emphasis on contemporary issues and events. Each participant is invited to speak their mind freely and explore what the Christian faith means to them – and how faith can help, support and guide them in their journey towards adulthood.

Serving in Worship

Children 5th grade and older are encouraged to serve in worship as acolytes and lay readers.

Bible Study and Spiritual Formation

Sunday Bible Study

Bible Study is held in the Parish House on Sundays from 10:00 to 10:30 am. We generally follow the Yale Bible Study program, which offers course materials on select books of the Bible, deepened by insights from Yale Divinity School professors.

Small Group Studies

We regularly offer small group studies on books aimed at deepening discipleship. Small groups are lay-led and meet for 4-6 weeks on Zoom or in person.

Forums and Formation Series

On a semi-regular basis throughout our program year, we offer forums to discuss issues of importance to our faith. These issues generally feature a special speaker, and range from discussions of current events, to explorations into ways of living more fully into our liturgical calendar, to sessions aimed at deepening our spiritual practices. Forums generally take place on Sundays at 12:30 pm directly following our principle worship service.

“Our Beliefs, Our Practices, Our Parish”

Each fall and spring, we offer a formation opportunity called “Our Beliefs, Our Practices, Our Parish.” Aimed primarily at helping newcomers and new members integrate into the parish, this three-part class is open to everyone who would like to know more about what our church believes and does.

Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry (EfM) is an extended course of study that offers deep biblical, historical and theological education with the purpose of helping participants live into their baptismal call as disciples of Christ. Meetings are held weekly, are led by trained facilitators, and run for one academic year.

Inquirers’ Class

Each Spring, we offer a series of weekly meetings to present the understanding of the Christian faith professed by the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. It is the normal preparation for becoming an official member of Incarnation and receiving the Sacramental Rite of Confirmation. The course also serves as a refresher for those who are already members and a place for non-Episcopalians to explore questions about faith and life. Classes are held on Thursday evenings from 7:15 to 8:30 pm in the Parish House. Participants can also join by Zoom.

Our next Confirmation Sunday will be April 6, 2025, when we welcome the Rt. Rev. Andrew St. John to preach, celebrate the Eucharist, and administer the episcopal ministries of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation.