Serving those beyond our doors
Serving others is an integral part of the Christian life. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds us that “Love is The Way,” and each of us is called to express that love in service to others. Please explore Incarnation’s outreach ministries and the work of our partners.
Volunteer Opportunities
Hour Children
Hour Children is a faith-based organization that helps incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children successfully rejoin their communities.
We routinely organize service projects with Hour Children, including events for children, as well as drives for backpacks, baby supplies, and other goods. In addition to serving Hour Children through Incarnation-sponsored activities, parishioners are invited to engage with Hour Children directly. Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities for individuals.
For more information, please contact the Rev. Deacon Denise LaVetty. She will put you in touch with the Hour Children Committee Co-Chairs.
Moravian Open Door
Incarnation is regularly involved in projects at Moravian Open Door (MOD), a transitional housing facility for homeless adults.
Our ministry with MOD is characterized by mutual joy in fellowship. We don’t just serve; we come together to laugh and have fun. This is most clearly seen and felt during our bingo nights, theme parties, and other activities that foster an environment of collaboration and celebration. Volunteers from our church cook, collect prizes, plan games, and then bring it all to the MOD common room for a good time to be had by all. While we also do projects off site – holding a linens drive, writing birthday cards to the residents, making sandwiches and goodie bags – we most enjoy bringing the Incarnation and MOD communities together. Read about this ministry in the August 2018 issue of Moravian Magazine. (pp. 12-13)
Incarnation also has a seat on the MOD Board of Directors, enabling us to provide further assistance.
To learn more, please contact the Rev. Deacon Denise LaVetty. She will put you in touch with the Moravian Open Door Committee Chair.
Ecclesia Ministries
Ecclesia Ministries of New York serves those who are food and housing insecure by offering them a way to attend church without feeling uncomfortable or unwelcome (yes, because sometimes that happens). On the third Sunday of each month, parishioners are invited to help make sandwiches and pack lunches during Coffee Hour for a local Ecclesia congregation that meets for Holy Eucharist at 2:00 p.m. in the courtyard of a nearby church. Parishioners are also invited to attend the service and distribute bagged lunches afterwards.
To learn more, please contact the Rev. Deacon Denise LaVetty, who has worked with Ecclesia Ministries for over 10 years.
Operation Santa
During the Christmas season, parishioners are invited to select a letter written to “Santa” by a child in need and purchase gifts for that child. This year we are providing presents for 50 children living in a nearby domestic violence shelter. Learn more on our Operation Santa page.
Prayers and Partners
Spiritual Outreach
“Ask me for a blessing. God’s grace is meant to be shared.”
Each Tuesday at 9:00 a.m., we put out a sign with this message in front of the church. One of the clergy stands outside to offer blessings and prayers for healing to those who pass by. The Rev. Adrian Dannhauser has started blogging about this ministry at askmeforablessing.com. It was also featured in this recent Eyewitness News story!
Incarnation Center
Incarnation Center was founded as “Incarnation Camp” in 1886. Now a 700-acre site in Ivoryton, Connecticut, east of New Haven, the facility includes almost 60 buildings and a mile-long private lake. It is open 365 days a year for overnight and day camps, conferences, nature study and recreation. The Incarnation Vestry annually elects the governing Board of Directors, which has representatives from our parish and 25 other sponsoring parishes.
Link Parish in London
In 2009, our parish established a link with a Church of England parish in the Diocese of London, with which the Diocese of New York has a “companion” relationship. Our link is St. Vedast Alias Foster, located in the ancient City of London, just behind St. Paul’s Cathedral. Incarnation members visiting London are encouraged to attend St. Vedast and to make themselves known to the clergy and parishioners there.
Twelve Step Groups
Incarnation hosts Narcotics Anonymous meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.
Click here for information on alcohol and drug rehab centers, including free treatment resources, in New York City.
To get involved or to learn more about our outreach ministries and partnerships, please contact the Rev. Deacon Denise LaVetty.